Category Archives: Exercise 4.3

Exercise 4.3

The brief was to create. A storyboard of about 10 images without text then add the text and see how it changes.

I am not good at drawing; I can do pastels to some extent – but have never tried anything like this a before. I started by making my storyboard as suggested. A very simple story of a young girl waking up , looking out the window, following her heart then it changes , it becomes a nightmare, she fall and drowns, the parents are distraught, the is laid out on her bed for viewing.

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With text: changed to a dream, starts the same – but dives deliberately, swims and gets home. It was all a dream.

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A very simple addition of a few words turned a very basic nightmare into a sweet dream! I gave a blank set to my son and he instantly interpreted it as the disaster scenario and added words to confrim that. He said the clue that made him read it as a disaster was the cross on the wall.